

Wesp Inc provides the following products:


Licenses to use the Wesp encryption method. Write your own applications and use the patented Wesp algorithm. Please contact our sales to obtain such a license.

WespSocket – paranoid security

the unbreakable WespSocket socket library for most secure encryption

WespSocket is a set of servers and a Java API that you can use to create your own ultra-secure applications. The library comes with a set of servers and tools to create ready to use applications that can easily be managed and maintained, and also managing all secret pre-shared keys. WespSocket supports encryption with multiple ciphers for best security. WespSocket is ideal for Client-Server applications, and for point-to-point communication applications.

WespSocket can also be used to manage other client specific secret data, like TLS PSK (Pre Shared Key) keys and (self-signed) SSL certificates, or any type of data your application needs. WespSocket can encrypt data with the Wesp cipher, or with a Wesp implementation of OTP (One Time Pad, totally unbreakable, having perfect secrecy). Also currently commonly used ciphers like SSL cipher suites can be used. You can think of WespSocket as a system managing keys and servers, and also encrypting data.

WespSocket can also optionally pad all packets to equal length, making it difficult for an eavesdropper to figure out what kind of data is transferred. WespSocket can also optinally add a checksum to all packets, if none of the ciphers used adds any checksum. The checksum hinders a man-in-the-middle to modify any encrypted packet.

WespSocket implements the Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) and the Trust No one (TNO) architecture. This means, that WespSocket does not trust anything except itself. WespSocket does not trust SSL, TLS or any other traditional cipher. WespSocket does not depend (even if it can use if you configure it to do so) on Certificate Authorities. The encryption quality used in certificates is not comparable with the quality of the Wesp encryption, and as the name says, Trust No One Architecture cannot trust on third party (commercial) certificate authorities. Even all internal communication between various WespSocket servers is encrypted using the Wesp cipher. Wesp does not trust on clients either, clients have to encrypt and proof themselves to the servers using Wesp keys, all the time.

The API is similar to Java’ s Socket classes, instead of the Java sockets you can use a WespClientsideSocket and a WespServersideSocket. If you wish you can also implement a Wesp interface and your servers can be managed with the same Wesp tool that manages existing clients.

Documentation and example source code is also provided. The manual is comprehensive.

WespSocket includes also an optional two-phase multi-factor authorization app. The WespSocket library contains also tools for file encryption and decryption.

WespSocket is pure Java and runs anywhere Java is available.

A decent server can easily manage a couple of thousands of simultaneously connected clients, and a gigabit/second traffic. The total amount of existing clients is in practice technically unlimited. The amount of parallel servers is unlimited, the only restriction being imposed by the license.

More information of WespSocket can be found in the Wesp manual. The manual is included in the Wesp .zip package that can be downloaded from the downloads page. Please contact sales for licenses.

WespVpn – world’s best encrypted VPN

Enterprise and corporate VPN for most secure encryption

WespVpn is an VPN (Virtual Private Network) product that uses WespSocket for extremely safe communication. The WespVpn product is intended for corporate use, where the VPN clients can be initialized in your own reliable premises, and you can be absolutely sure that the clients that can communicate with your internal network are clients that has previously physically been on your trusted premises.

Enterprise WespVpn uses for encryption the Wesp cipher or Wesp OTP one time pads, and optionally TLS 1.3 and/or TLS PSK. You can freely configure the cipher suites you want to use, even several ciphers for double or triple encryption. By using multiple ciphers the breaking of the encryption, if at all possible, would be even harder. The three different cipher suites used are also independent of each other: TLS is from OpenJDK, US. PSK is from BouncyCastle Inc, Australia. and Wesp is from Wesp Inc, EU. Different code bases, different countries of origin. No single bug anywhere could compromise all three ciphers. And if you need FIPS certified encryption in your VPN, you can obtain FIPS certified BouncyCastle libraries and use them in Wesp VPN!

WespVpn is the most secure VPN solution available. No other VPN solution uses proven encryption algorithms. We can go as far as to say that WespVpn is the only secure VPN available!

The servers runs in Linux. VPN clients exist for Windows, Android and Linux. An optional 2-phase multi factor authenticator app runs in Android.

The Wesp package

The WespSocket and the WespVpn comes bundled in the same installation media, and has a common license.

You can download the Wesp compressed zip package containing both WespSocket and WespVpn and start evaluating the products. The package includes manuals that describes the products and their configuration in detail. The evaluation period is one month, if you wish to use Wesp after that you need to purchase a license. Download the Wesp package from the Downloads page.

More information about both WespSocket and WespVpn can be found in the manual, included in the Wesp package.

Professional Services

We can also provide professional services in regard to our software. We might e.g. tailor our software for your particular needs, help with installation and configuration, or integrate our products to your environment. Please contact sales for more information.

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